Introducing SEEEPS

SEEEPS – Slavic, East European and Eurasian Periodical Studies – is the virtual home for a growing community of scholars interested in exploring new methodological avenues for studying journals, magazines and newspapers from this region.

We believe that a revised understanding of the centrality of periodicals in Russian, East European and Eurasian cultures will emerge when we supplement traditional approaches from literature, history, art history, musicology, political science and sociology with analytical methods from the interdisciplinary fields of Periodical Studies and Digital Humanities.

This blog will showcase news about events, publications, works-in-progress, and affiliated initiatives. Our resource page contains useful references to digital projects, critical literature, and other related scholarly resources.

In the coming months, we’ll be posting information about a workshop we’re hosting in March 2015 in Princeton called “Decoding the Periodical,” which will be the first formal gathering to discuss the intersection of our field with Periodical Studies and Digital Humanities.

SEEEPS is edited by Philip Gleissner, a graduate student in the Slavic Department at Princeton University, and Natalia Ermolaev, Project Manager at Princeton’s Center for Digital Humanities.

Feel free to contact us for more information or to join the SEEEPS community:

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